Friday, April 12, 2013

Microsoft baru saja mengumumkan bahwa President of Windows Division, Steven Sinofsky, akan segera meninggalkan perusahaan. Mengapa sang maestro di balik pembuat sistem operasi Windows 8 ini meninggalkan Microsoft?
Steven Sinofsky terakhir kali tampil di hadapan publik pada saat peluncuran windows 8, tampak sangat yakin dan percaya diri dengan kemampuan sistem operasi Windows 8 dan Windows RT. Tetapi berdasarkan berita resmi dari Microsoft dan The Verge, tidak alasan khusus yang diberikan oleh Steven Sinofsky atas pengunduran dirinya.
Hal ini tentu sangat mengejutkan dan merupakan waktu yang tidak tepat, karena Windows 8 baru saja diluncurkan dan siap berkembang. Steven Sinofsky mengatakan:
It is impossible to count the blessings I have received over my years at Microsoft. I am humbled by the professionalism and generosity of everyone I have had the good fortune to work with at this awesome company.
Tidak mungkin untuk menghitung berkat-berkat yang telah saya terima selama bertahun-tahun saya bekerja di Microsoft. Saya kagum dengan profesionalisme dan kemurahan hati dari semua orang yang bekerja sama dengan saya di perusahaan yang mengagumkan ini.
Sementara itu, CEO Microsoft, Steve Ballmer mengatakan:
I am grateful for the many years of work that Steven has contributed to the company. To continue this success it is imperative that we continue to drive alignment across all Microsoft teams, and have more integrated and rapid development cycles for our offerings.
Saya berterima kasih bertahun-tahun banyak pekerjaan yang Steven telah memberikan kontribusi terhadap perusahaan. Untuk melanjutkan keberhasilan ini sangat penting bagi kami untuk terus mendorong keselarasan kepada seluruh tim Microsoft, dan memiliki siklus pembangunan yang lebih terintegrasi dan cepat untuk penawaran kami.
Steven Sinofsky adalah sang maestro di balik ‘perbaikan’ Windows Vista ke Windows 7. Windows Vista pada saat itu dianggap sebagai sistem operasi Windows yang tidak berhasil. Sebelumnya ia juga mengerjakan Office dan membuat Office menjadi salah satu aplikasi/software paling dibutuhkan pada saat ini. Steven Sinofsky juga terlibat dengan pembuatan Microsoft Surface, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak.
Saat ini yang menggantikan pekerjaan Steven Sinofsky adalah Julie Larson-Green pada Windows Software and Hardware Engineering,  dan CFO Microsoft, Tami Reller pada Windows Business. Lebih spesifiknya Julie Larson-Green yang sudah bekerja di Microsoft sejak tahun 1993 akan bertanggung jawab atas semua masa depan dan pengembangan produk Windows, serta kesempatan pada bidang hardware ke depannya. Ballmer mengatakan Julie Larson-Green adalah orang yang paling tepat untuk menggantikan posisi tersebut.
Apakah ada hubungannya antara mundurnya Steven Sinofsky dari Microsoft dengan keluarnya Scott Forstall dari Apple?
Bagaimana kelanjutan sistem operasi Windows 8 tanpa kehadiran sang pembuatnya?
Dan mengapa Steven Sinofsky mundur saat Windows 8 baru diluncurkan sekitar 2-3 minggu?
Sampaikan pendapat Anda pada kolom komentar kami.

Inilah surat Steve Ballmer kepada tim Windows Division yang baru saja ditinggalkan oleh pemimpinnya:
Over the past few months we have delivered the foundation for a new era for Microsoft. From Office to Bing to Windows Phone and Windows Azure, to Xbox and of course Windows and Surface and everything in between, we’ve unleashed a huge wave of devices and services that people and businesses love. I simply couldn’t be more proud of the effort you have all put in to get us here and to set the foundation for our future. At the Windows launch in New York, at the Windows Phone event in San Francisco, and again at the Build event on Redmond campus, I was struck that while externally many people look at these events as the finish line, they really represent the starting line of a new era.
As we enter this new era, and with the successful launch of Windows 8 and Surface behind us, Steven Sinofsky has decided to leave the company. Steven joined Microsoft in 1989 as a software development engineer and has contributed to the company in many ways from his work as a technical advisor to Bill Gates, to leading the evolution of the Microsoft Office business, to his direction and successful leadership of Windows and Windows Live as well as Surface. I am grateful for the work that Steven has delivered in his time at our company. Effective immediately, Julie Larson-Green will lead Windows engineering. She will be responsible for all product development for Windows and Windows Live, in addition to Surface. Julie has been a stalwart leader of building compelling “experiences” from her time on Internet Explorer, through the evolution of Office and most recently to the re-imagination of Windows. Her unique product and innovation perspective and proven ability to effectively collaborate and drive a cross company agenda will serve us well as she takes on this new leadership role. All of the current Windows engineering teams will report into Julie, and Julie will report to me.
Tami Reller will lead business and marketing strategy for Windows including Surface and partner devices. She will provide broad stewardship to our PC marketing efforts while managing the line business functions for Windows. Her work on Windows since 2007 has been exemplary and her strong talents in working with internal groups and partners will also serve us well. Tami also will report to me.
We are facing a time of great opportunity. What we have accomplished over the past few years is nothing short of amazing, and I know we have more amazing in us. I am excited about our people, I am energized by our ability to change and grow, and I look forward to the success which lies ahead. Thank you for all you do, and please join me in congratulating our new leadership and celebrating all that we have accomplished so far.
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